Thirty Acts of Empowerment

Today’s leaders don’t command and demand. They inspire and empower. They communicate a vision that enables each person to visualize the critical role they play in helping the organization achieve it’s mission. A powerful, inspirational leader helps everyone realize their “best self” and gives them the opportunity to shine every day. Here are 30 acts of empowerment a leader can deliver every day.

Build Morale During Madness

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If you’re a college basketball fan, then March is the most wonderful time of the year! It’s the time when fair-weather fans and die-hards alike spent hours pouring over statistics and injury reports in an effort to chase the elusive perfect NCAA Basketball Tournament bracket. Now, if you’re a manager or work in Human Resources, March may not seem so wonderful. Over 70 million individuals fill out tournament brackets annually. Studies say that March Madness is the #3 tech-related office distraction behind texting and Facebook. March Madness has the potential to wreak havoc in an organization. Some researchers estimate that … Read More

Lunch Breaks Actually Improve Engagement

In the workplace era of “do more with less,” few leaders feel like they can realistically accomplish all of their goals during a normal 8-hour workday. In an effort to increase productivity and find more hours in the day, but not sacrifice time with the family, most leaders start stealing from themselves. First, the 15-20 minute breaks disappear, then lunch comes next. I was recently coordinating calendars with a senior HR Manager whose only opening in the day was at noon. I suggested we postpone our meeting until another, less hectic, day. She said “That’s not necessary. I don’t take … Read More

Never Be the Smartest Person in the Room

“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.” This wise quote has been attributed to everyone from Lorne Michaels to Marissa Mayer and several variations have been quoted by other successful leaders. There are so many benefits to surrounding yourself with people who are smarter than you. First, we should always strive to learn new things. By intentionally surrounding yourself with smarter people, you’re admitting you don’t know everything and allowing others to fill in the gaps. Additionally, high achievers never like to come in second place, so bringing in someone smarter than you will … Read More

Frontline Leader Challenges: Managing B-Players

Tom Peters famously said “True leaders don’t create followers. They create more leaders.” If you’re a leader, your whole purpose in business is to help others develop into the best person they can be and contribute meaningfully to an organization. This, of course, means identifying potential future leaders who can be groomed to move from high performing individual contributor to high performing leader. This shift doesn’t come easily, though. Over half of the individuals who are placed in formal high potential programs leave within the first five years. Because we are confident that past performance predicts future performance, we make … Read More

The One Reason You Can’t Work from Home

Man working at home

For many, working from home seems like a luxury. It’s a flexible benefit that costs the organization virtually nothing, but gives the employee countless perks. As someone who has worked from home for 12 years, I am positive I couldn’t transition back into cubicle-life. Working from home allows employees to save gas money, reduce their carbon footprint, and reduce their morning stress thanks to a no-car commute to the “office.” While they do have to buy their own coffee, they usually save money overall and eat healthier because they’re not limited to (or tempted by) the fast food options near … Read More