Oh, The Mistakes You’ll Make

Around graduation time, bookstores strategically place the well-known Dr. Seuss book Oh, The Places You’ll Go at the front entrance. They know this popular gift for new graduates reminds them that the path they’re about to take will be full of mistakes, twists, turns, and road blocks, but with hard work, a positive outlook, and resilience, they’ll move mountains. The book may have been written for children, but its message holds true for all ages. I think we need a similar book for new leaders called Oh, The Mistakes You’ll Make. No matter how many years of business experience you’ve … Read More

You Can’t Make Them Stay

Employers are always seeking out ways to predict human behavior. Which candidate will excel? Which comp plan will improve retention and drive the biggest results? Which employees will remain engaged? Which employees will burn out? Which employees are high risk? Which employees are planning to leave? An HR technology vendor recently pitched their latest employee retention product to me. They believe they can predict (with alarming certainty) which of your employees are a flight risk. The algorithm they use to arrive at this conclusion is complex and expansive, but one key factor is the most predictive of an employee’s plan … Read More

It’s Not About the Money

Research has consistently shown that the ability to create and communicate a vision is a top leadership skill that will drive success in the workplace. Naturally, it is concerning that those same studies also show a skill gap in that same area for emerging leaders. Why is vision suddenly more important than business acumen, financial acumen, and critical thinking? By 2025, Millennials will account for 75% of the workforce. As a generation, Millennials are like none other. Though they collectively hold $1 Trillion in student loan debt, and face roughly 13% unemployment, they will not accept just any job. And … Read More

Scheduling Conflict Forces Change of Dates for Step-Up Workshop

An unforeseen scheduling conflict has caused us to change the dates for our upcoming Step-Up workshop. The facility where our workshops are held will not be available on the previously posted dates, so we’ve adjusted our schedules to ensure everyone can be accommodated at our Meadows Road venue. New dates for the workshop are Oct. 17, 31, and Nov. 21, with a coaching day on Oct. 19.

Notes from Apple — The Challenge of Leading Through a Change Rebellion

If there was ever any doubt how much people hate change, check the comment section of any blog post about the recent Apple decision regarding headphone jacks. The world has clearly come to an end for iPhone enthusiasts. How will we ever survive without a headphone jack in our iPhones? According to Apple, this life-altering design decision was an act of “courage.” It does take a lot of courage to take a stand and make a change. Of course, they did try to minimize customer outrage by including a headphone jack adapter in all iPhone 7 purchases, but according to … Read More

Will You Know When to Pass the Torch?

All good things must come to an end, and this week, the Summer Olympics games in Rio came to an end as well. After a colorful closing ceremony celebrating the athletes and host country, the torch was passed to Tokyo who will host the winter games in 2020. The passing of the torch is a deeply meaningful and symbolic experience. Carrying the torch is an awesome responsibility. Being selected as a torch bearer is a true honor bestowed upon universally respected individuals. The torch bearer is responsible for keeping the flame burning until it is ready for the next recipient. … Read More