Three Early Lessons Learned from the COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-19 Lessons

While we’re still weathering the storm of the Coronavirus pandemic, there are some clear early lessons we’ve learned so far. The nature of work changed dramatically by necessity and forced many of us to consider new policies and processes that were previously inconceivable. In some cases, the changes have been embraced and may become the new normal, whereas others have illuminated points of risk across the organization. Here are a few lessons many organizations have learned so far as a result of the pandemic:

A Closer Look at What’s Essential

Text of leadership quote

As we continue adjusting to a world of ever-increasing social distancing, there are widespread debates over what is truly essential during a pandemic. Naturally, First Responders, Pharmacy Technicians, Grocery Store workers, etc., are essential. But many other industries have been deemed essential as well due to their involvement in the supply chain (including railroad workers, truckers, and auto mechanics). Other industries seem to fall in the gray zone of “essentiality,” such as home improvement and craft stores. What one person deems a luxury is another person’s “essential.” Thinking beyond the definition of which industries are essential, given the changing nature … Read More

Leading Through Times of Fear and Uncertainty

Photo of pensive businessman

The World Health Organization has advised that we should all be prepared for a global pandemic due to COVID-19 (commonly referred to as Coronavirus). In response,  organizations are rapidly addressing policies, evaluating risk, and examining their disaster recovery plans. Whether the United States will contain the spread of the virus or not, there will be a significant global economic effect that may continue for some time. While some organizations are being proactive about offering remote working options even in areas where no infections have been reported, others are more aggressively working to prevent infection by prohibiting work-related travel and cancelling … Read More

What Leaders Can Learn from McDonald’s

McDonald's in India

“That’s the way we’ve always done it.” It’s the phrase that sends chills down the spine of every change agent and creative thinker. In change management training programs, we provide leaders with techniques and strategies for overcoming these objections and short-sighted modes of thinking that hinder progress. These change managers can challenge individuals with a rigid perspective and help them think beyond their current experience so they’re more open to new possibilities.

Leading in a Crisis

Photo of Australian Fires

Today’s blog is from Australian contributor, Dr. Tom Verghese. Tom is Principal and Founder of Cultural Synergies. His work helps organizations perform at optimal levels, improving cross-border staff engagement, communication, and relationships. Welcome to 2020—a whole new decade! I hope this finds you well and focused on your goals for the year ahead. Being located in Australia, it has been impossible not to be affected by the situation currently occurring before my eyes. As many of you may know, Australia has been experiencing one of the worst fire seasons on record. The sheer scale and devastation brought on by the … Read More

Leadership Is Like Swimming

Image comparing leadership to swimming

Guest blog by Robin Cochran, VP of Operations, Executive Forum Last Friday I had a meeting with someone who knew nothing about Executive Forum. As I was explaining why our leadership programs are primarily face-to-face, he broke in and said, “It’s like swimming. You can’t learn to swim on the Internet either.” There’s a lot to learn about swimming, but you really can’t swim unless you get in the water. He explained how his father had taught him to swim by taking him to the river near their home in India and pushing him in. He had to learn to … Read More