Step Up™ Workshop for Front-line Leaders Begins March 4

A survey by McKinsey, “How Companies Manage the Front Line Today,” found that 80 percent of front-line leaders report dissatisfaction with their job performance and 70 percent of senior managers agreed. In addition, front-line leaders make up more than half of all management personnel, and they manage almost 80% of the workforce. Shouldn’t these leaders be given all the tools they need to be effective in their jobs?

Don’t Be an HR Broker

Some trends in HR are great. Trends toward data-driven decision making, technology-enabled hiring, flexible schedules and paternal leave are significant improvements to the industry. Other trends are not so great. Before we dig into the newest trend, I want you to ask yourself a few questions: What are the key skills/competencies necessary for your company to grow in the next 5 years? What are the skills you most need to cultivate in your next generation leaders? What are you doing to foster those skills? What is your succession plan for the top 10 positions in your company? How are you … Read More

Creating a Culture of Effective Thinking

Whether we’re engaging in a brainstorming session, product development discussions, or strategic planning, we expect that our team is bringing their best possible thinking to the table. We expect that they will be actively engaged, informed, and free from distractions. But sometimes that isn’t enough. There’s a silent killer of effective thinking in the workplace, and it’s hard to overcome. It’s the culture.

Seven Ways to Get the Most Out of a Coaching Session

When you’re selected to attend any kind of professional/leadership development event, it’s important to realize what an opportunity it is. Not only does this mean that your organization values you enough to invest in you, but it means they expect for you to stay with the organization long enough for these improved skills to provide a return on their investment. When your organization believes in you, and invests in your future, it’s crucial that you get the most out of that experience by being prepared. Here are seven ways you can maximize a coaching session:

Disconnecting in a Hyperconnected World

Technology has revolutionized the way we do business. We can meet with a dozen remote team members face-to-face on Google Hangout with the click of a mouse. We can crowdsource decisions through our social media networks and receive hundreds of opinions in minutes. And we can search for price comparisons while we stand in a store. In so many ways, we are more agile, informed, and connected than ever. We are potentially unhealthier than ever as well. Laptops, iPads, and smart phones are ubiquitous in the workplace. We can work from a conference room, home, a plane, the beach, a … Read More

Check Out Our New Blog

We’re pleased to announce the launch of our new blog, hosted by leadership and talent strategy expert, Breanne Potter-Harris. Each week, Breanne posts insightful tips, discussions and insights into leadership development designed as food for thought or to share with colleagues. We hope you’ll find the information useful. Be sure to sign up for the blog to receive it in your in-box.