5 Things You Should Do at Every Conference

Conferences provide wonderful opportunities for learning, refreshing, and networking. They can also be overwhelming if you don’t plan strategically. As you prepare to attend a conference, think differently about how you use your time.

Leadership Trends in 2016

As we look forward to the changing face of the workforce in 2016, it’s a great time to make a few predictions and think strategically about how we can prepare for the biggest changes we should expect. Millennials take over. As Baby Boomers are now retiring at a rate of one every four seconds, there’s a mathematical equation that must be solved. There just aren’t enough Gen X high potentials in the leadership pipeline to solve the leadership gap being created by the Baby Boomer exodus. Millennials, born entrepreneurs, are anxious to take on those vacant leadership roles and are … Read More

The 5 Characters You Want on Your Team

If you could create your dream team, who would be on it and why? That’s an important question to ask yourself as you look at the talent in your organization and work to strategically fill the positions that support you. What characteristics feed your energy and are crucial to success?

TED Talks Every Leader Should Watch

When you need a little inspiration or something to challenge the way you think, a great place to spend some time is on TED.com. TED Talks are short speeches given by thought leaders, influencers, entertainers, business executives, academics, political leaders, authors, etc., with the responsibility of delivering “Ideas Worth Sharing.” As a leader, viewing talks from psychologists, business leaders, and authors can be very important as new research shows unique insights into the way people work. What motivates us? What are our common needs? How can I be the best version of myself today?

The One Thing You Should Do Every Day

Today, Harvard Business Review posted an article on the 3 Things Managers Should Do Every Day. The article mentions how overwhelmed new managers are to the key responsibilities of their jobs and often feel like they can’t do it all. They find themselves putting out fires and problem solving so often that they don’t have time to take more strategic and proactive approaches to their team.

Consciously Avoiding Unconscious Bias in Performance Reviews

As the end of the year draws near, many of us are engaged in the daunting task of creating performance appraisals for our team members. Few people enjoy filling out performance reviews, and even more find the process unproductive. Yet, in most organizations, it is a required management activity and it determines which employees are penalized or rewarded for their work. Raises and promotions are often tied to performance reviews, so it’s important managers are committed to creating an accurate portrayal of their team member’s work.