The Power of Writing for Better Leadership

Early in my career, I worked with a top-selling Account Manager who was seen by many as being a bit quirky. His name was Larry and he was very organized and obsessively habitual. You could set your clock based on the time he walked in the door in the morning. It was the same every day. He ate the same snack every day and washed his car every single day. He had one daily habit that I didn’t truly appreciate until much later in my career. At the end of every day, he opened up a new Word document and … Read More

Knowledge Transfer Helps Avoid “Brain Drain”

Avoid the “Brain Drain” with our Knowledge Transfer Workshop on April 21. Skilled workers leaving the workforce, or opting for alternative employment, are creating an unprecedented shortage of experience and talent. Research at University of North Carolina’s Keenan-Flagler Business School shows: 75% of millennials want a mentor. 65% of baby boomers state millennials have sought them out for guidance. 58% of millennials turn to Baby Boomers rather than Gen X for professional advice. Millennials will make up 50% of the workforce by 2020.

Overcome the Challenges of Leading a Baby Boomer

One of the most intimidating aspects of becoming a young leader is realizing many of your team members will be older and potentially more experienced than you. Some Baby Boomers may have a hard time imagining someone their child’s age is experienced enough for a leadership role. But from the Millennial perspective, if you’ve been selected and coached to take on leadership responsibilities, that should be reason enough to gain respect. The reality is, no matter how prepared and competent you are, you may have to prove yourself to some skeptical senior team members.

Five Signs You’re a Toxic Leader

There are so many scapegoats available these days that it’s easy to explain away any undesirable outcomes in business. We blame low sales on a flat economy and lack of marketing budget. We bemoan reduced training budgets and believe they are the reason for stalled career advancement and staggering employee disengagement. As turnover rates increase, we accuse Millennials of being entitled, arrogant and disloyal. But at what point do we stop pointing fingers and start identifying trends? Remember, people leave managers, not companies. The toughest trend to spot is the one we create. Few leaders lack the insight, self-awareness, and … Read More

The Tale of Two Millennials

Here it is…another blog post about millennials. Are you tired of hearing about them yet? Every day, some thought-leader is sharing his wisdom, perspective and complaints about this disruptive generation. And you won’t stop hearing about them anytime soon. Their 76 million member group will overtake Baby Boomers as the largest living generation this year; and they currently account for 1 in every 3 American workers. But when you read about millennials, does it ever feel like you’re reading the story of Jekyll and Hyde? One minute we’re frowning upon Gen Y’s entitlement issues and their desire to be rewarded … Read More

In Memoriam

We have lost a close friend and a wonderful member of our professional staff in the passing of Dr. Michael Hackman. Internationally recognized as a thought-leader in communication and leadership, Michael brought a special creative energy to his work with Executive Forum and the Advanced Leadership program. Michael touched many lives through his facilitation and executive coaching and will be sorely missed by the entire Executive Forum team. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Michael’s family and friends during this sad time.