When you’re selected to attend any kind of professional/leadership development event, it’s important to realize what an opportunity it is. Not only does this mean that your organization values you enough to invest in you, but it means they expect for you to stay with the organization long enough for these improved skills to provide a return on their investment. When your organization believes in you, and invests in your future, it’s crucial that you get the most out of that experience by being prepared. Here are seven ways you can maximize a coaching session:
Disconnecting in a Hyperconnected World
Technology has revolutionized the way we do business. We can meet with a dozen remote team members face-to-face on Google Hangout with the click of a mouse. We can crowdsource decisions through our social media networks and receive hundreds of opinions in minutes. And we can search for price comparisons while we stand in a store. In so many ways, we are more agile, informed, and connected than ever. We are potentially unhealthier than ever as well. Laptops, iPads, and smart phones are ubiquitous in the workplace. We can work from a conference room, home, a plane, the beach, a … Read More
Check Out Our New Blog
We’re pleased to announce the launch of our new blog, hosted by leadership and talent strategy expert, Breanne Potter-Harris. Each week, Breanne posts insightful tips, discussions and insights into leadership development designed as food for thought or to share with colleagues. We hope you’ll find the information useful. Be sure to sign up for the blog to receive it in your in-box.
Learn a Quick, Easy Process for Knowledge Transfer on July 23
Are you or your organization prepared for what will happen when “knowledge leaves the building?” One of the greatest assets any company has is the institutional knowledge retained by its workers. What happens when they leave? Find out more at the Knowledge Transfer Workshop on July 23. Knowledge Transfer provides the tools and processes for effective knowledge transfer – to cross-train individuals or teams, get new hires up to speed quickly and efficiently, and meet succession needs as employees prepare for retirement. Suitable for anyone at any level of your business who is responsible, either formally or informally, for mentoring … Read More
The Art of Delegation
There truly is no “I” in team, unless of course, you are terrible at delegating responsibility; in which case you actually are a team of one by choice. Delegation is critical to being a successful, healthy leader, yet it’s one of the most challenging aspects as well. As we progress in our careers and take on leadership responsibility, we build more and more confidence in our own abilities. Additionally, we see how we have out-performed our coworkers, which leaves us less confident in their abilities. When this happens, it becomes easy to hoard responsibility. Nothing stalls growth and fuels burnout … Read More
The Problem with High Performers
They go by a dozen different nicknames- rock stars, superstars, overachievers, A-players, etc. But regardless of the name or definition, any good leader can tell you which team members are high performers and which are not. High performers are exciting. They stand out. They are the people you go to when you need a last minute sale, are faced with an impossible deadline, or need a presentation that will dazzle a client. They set the bar for excellence on your team. But they’re also trouble-makers in an organization. Here are 7 ways that High Performers create problems for managers: