In last week’s post, we talked about how to unleash optimal performance from your introverted team members. This week, let’s talk about how to unleash your own potential as an introverted leader. While it is true that extroverts are over-represented in leadership roles, that doesn’t mean there isn’t a place for introverts in the C-suite. In fact, many admired leaders such as Bill Gates, Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, and Larry Page have proven that introversion isn’t a quality that hinders success. There are several aspects of introversion that are strengths in a leadership role. Here are a few examples:
How to Lead an Introvert
The best teams are made up of very diverse individuals. They come from varied backgrounds, have different experience levels, and bring with them unique thoughts, ideas, and perspectives. Leading an introvert can be perceived as a challenge for managers who are disproportionately extroverted. You may not feel very connected to your introverted employees or feel as though they don’t participate enough in group discussions or projects. However, there is so much value in having an introvert on your team if you can identify and flex to their unique needs. Here are some tips for spotting the introvert on your team:
The Golden Rules of Tough Feedback
Feedback comes in many forms: solicited, unsolicited, positive, negative, constructive, etc. Whether you’re in the C-suite or just starting your career, feedback is a crucial component to your development and career success. But we often fail to effectively solicit, deliver, and receive feedback. Here are 6 golden rules for handling tough feedback:
Find What Fits and Make it Stick
You know the phrase “There’s a sucker born every minute”? Well, that same phrase could be applied to new leadership development programs as well. It seems every training organization and leadership coach has unlocked the mystery of developing successful leaders with their unique programs, and they’ll share that secret with you for only a few thousand dollars per person. Practitioners receive dozens of emails a day pitching these new programs. They’re all compelling in different ways, and several of them likely have quality content.
Seven Ways to Get the Most Out of a Coaching Session
When you’re selected to attend any kind of professional/leadership development event, it’s important to realize what an opportunity it is. Not only does this mean that your organization values you enough to invest in you, but it means they expect for you to stay with the organization long enough for these improved skills to provide a return on their investment. When your organization believes in you, and invests in your future, it’s crucial that you get the most out of that experience by being prepared. Here are seven ways you can maximize a coaching session:
Disconnecting in a Hyperconnected World
Technology has revolutionized the way we do business. We can meet with a dozen remote team members face-to-face on Google Hangout with the click of a mouse. We can crowdsource decisions through our social media networks and receive hundreds of opinions in minutes. And we can search for price comparisons while we stand in a store. In so many ways, we are more agile, informed, and connected than ever. We are potentially unhealthier than ever as well. Laptops, iPads, and smart phones are ubiquitous in the workplace. We can work from a conference room, home, a plane, the beach, a … Read More