Little Things Make a Big Impact

Little things make a difference

When Richard Branson walks through the airport greeting Virgin Atlantic employees and chatting away with customers, we applaud him for taking time to appreciate others. A little thing like saying hello goes a long way. Taking a personal interest in team members and expressing concern for the challenges they’re going through builds deep connections that break down the office walls. Sending a thank you note, being on time, and saying please…these are all little things that are widely believed to make a big difference. Thousands of leadership development books suggest when you pay attention to the little things, big things … Read More

When a Leader Snaps

finding calm

While people-watching at the airport recently, I witnessed a shocking interaction. The gentleman was clearly a business traveler. He was wearing a professional suit with recently polished shoes. He looked anxious and impatient as he paced in front of the gate area that should have been boarding any minute. Aside from the pacing, though, his demeanor seemed calm. He was on the phone with someone and was listening intently to what they had to say. Every few seconds, he’d say “uh huh….ok….hmmm….ok” so it seemed like any normal business phone call full of rushed details before boarding a flight. And … Read More

The Leadership Threat You Shouldn’t Overlook

Leadership Threat

The Human Resources department typically bears responsibility for designing organization-wide engagement tactics and retention strategies, but the reality is this is everyone’s job. It’s a common belief that individuals don’t leave a job, they leave their boss. Poor management and leadership drive out top talent who are easily recruited away in today’s candidate-driven employment environment. It’s not just headhunters and great recruiters that managers should worry about these days. A veritable candy store of employment alternatives awaits your least satisfied/engaged employees, and leaders need to consider the risk this poses to the organization.

Six Underrated Next Gen Leadership Skills

Photo of Young Employees

Given the declining value of the undergraduate degree while the cost of higher education skyrockets, many employers are finally coming to terms with a skills-based approach to resume reviews instead of requiring a degree. While it takes more effort to identify which candidates truly possess business-critical skills than it does to scan for a completed degree, the benefit is unquestionable. College graduates consistently report that they feel prepared to successfully enter into the workforce in their given specialty, but when those same individuals are surveyed a year later, they report they were largely under- or fully unprepared to succeed in … Read More

10 Ways Frontline Leadership is like First-Time Parenting

Parenting Quote

There is no steeper learning curve in leadership than your very first frontline leadership position. Perhaps the only comparable experience in terms of needing to hit the ground running and quickly close skills gaps is in parenting. Many first-time management experiences parallel first time parenting. Here are 10 of my favorite similarities:

For Lasting Change, Find the Right Pebble

Photo of pebble cairn

“I really need to get healthy and start working out, but I’ve been traveling so much lately. I just need one solid week at home.” As my colleague said this, I nodded along absentmindedly. I’ve been traveling frequently as well, so I know the struggles of adjusting to life without a routine. Then I thought more deeply about what he was saying. “Wait, what do you mean you need a week at home?” I asked. He said, “You know, that way I can actually go to my gym every day and actually make an impact.” But it still didn’t make … Read More