How to Get Unstuck

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From time to time, everyone feels a bit lost in life. Whether you’re trying something new, unraveling a particularly challenging problem, or not sure what should happen next, we’ve all experienced that nauseating feeling of uncertainty. It can feel like you’re stuck in a giant maze without a map. While the right answer may not be clear, there are simple steps you can take to begin the process of getting unstuck.

Minding the Need to Be Noticed on a Remote Team

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Work styles and personal preferences play a strong role in guiding behaviors, actions, and interpersonal relationships within a team. Each person may vary greatly from one another on the continuum of each preference. One of the most common personality preferences discussed in the era of widespread remote work is the introversion-extroversion preference. While this is certainly an important aspect of personality dynamics that has become widely-recognized, there are several others that play a unique role through remote work.

Cancel the Mid-Year Review


Congratulations! You’ve officially survived the first half of this wacky year. Take a moment to reflect on everything you’ve learned along the way as you overcame countless unexpected challenges. While we all hope the remainder of this year will be better than the first half, if 2020 has taught us anything it’s to expect the unexpected. As much as we’d all like to return to some degree of normalcy soon, there are some important activities we should consider replacing. On the top of that list is the mid-year review.

Stop Solving Problems

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Critical thinking, decision making, and solving problems are among the top desired skills in nearly any role. We want people who can identify problems, evaluate information, and draw conclusions quickly and effectively. Studies show individuals with strong critical thinking skills have higher educational and occupational attainment than those who struggle to think critically. Naturally, with such an emphasis on selecting and developing great thinkers, that should translate into highly successful organizations where problems are effectively identified and addressed. Unfortunately, where we may lack a critical thinking problem, we often find a management problem. In hierarchical organizations and those with poorly distributed … Read More

Leadership Development: Choosing the Best Delivery System

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There’s an old saying that “When the only tool in your toolbox is a hammer, you treat everything as a nail.” A similar phenomenon is happening in corporate training. Heavy investment in HR technology for employee development including eLearning, Learning Management Systems (LMS) and the accessibility of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) has changed the way we think about educating employees. Those changes, however, may not be in the best interest of the employee or the long-term health of the company. After spending tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of dollars on implementing a LMS and customizing courses, naturally, there … Read More

Navigating through Uncertainty

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Over the weekend, I completed some pre-Summer cleaning in my office. This has become a bit of a coping technique for me to get through the past few volatile months. While unemployment rises and the economy dips, I can still maintain a degree of control through organizing my workspace so that I don’t add to the mental clutter. In the process of organizing old documents, I came across my 2020 Strategic Plan. Instead of tossing it in the shredder, I took some time to reflect on what a wild few months it has been. Like any good strategic plan, there … Read More