Three Laws of Performance: Rewrite the Future
An Executive Forum White Paper by Dave Logan
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“We are all facing unprecedented challenges in today’s world – in business, in our personal lives, as a society. Co-author of the book The Three Laws of Performance: Rewriting the Future of Your Organization and Your Life, Dave Logan will relate how he has seen companies and individuals revive passion for accomplishment, and create pathways to unprecedented organizational and personal success. In Three Laws of Performance, Dave will focus on the promise of the title: three immutable laws that determine performance in any human endeavor. He will show how leadership built on the foundation of the laws can transform situations, delivering greater results, increased satisfaction, and enhanced effectiveness.Dave’s book has been endorsed by people as varied as Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Desmond Tutu, famed Harvard economist Michael Jensen and leadership guru Warren Bennis, who stated “I believe this book may be one of the most important written in many years. The ideas are much larger than we normally see in business books. They aren’t tips, tools, or steps, but are in fact laws that govern individual, group and organizational behavior . . . Leaders would be well served to think about these laws and find ways to apply their insights.”